Saturday, May 7, 2011

Round One.

I used to have a Livejournal (I still do, actually, but I haven't logged in in Lord knows how long). I at one point *LOVED* having an online outlet to vent and get things off my chest to my friends, without a ton of judgment. I didn't always matter if anyone commented back or what not, what mattered was that I didn't have to hold up inside myself until I burst.
Funny thing was, no matter how much I liked posting, I was quite lazy about it. I would start a entry, get called away, decide I didn't like what I was writing and start over, and then give up in frustration.  I hope to actually make good use of this one this time around.
I will forewarn you, I am not always a negative person, but I do use this as a way to vent my anger when things are bothering me, or making me feel shitty. I do throw in a lot of good stuff and a little fluff and filler, but I think overall everyone needs a place to vent. This is my place.
<B>The Basics</b> I am a 26, almost 27 year old Mommy to 1 (Spencer) and almost-someday-oneday Stepmother as well (only a matter of time <3 ) I have been with my rocker boyfriend for going on 7 years now. We met in our heavy partying days, fell in love, and have been together ever since. We fight, throw fits, threaten to break-up, but it never lasts long. He is one of the very small amount of people whom I can tell anything and everything to. I absolutely adore him, flaws and all, and he feels the same.He has been a local musician his entire life. He is an incredible singer and an amazing Daddy too!
Our little boy just turned 4. His name is Spencer, and he is the spitting image of his Dad with a matching personality to boot. How may 4 year old's can you say hold obsessions for Toy Story, The Terminator II (movie), the band KISS, Curious George and Harley-Davidson? Yeah, didn't think so. He owns a professional set kid's sized drum set, and is incredibly musically inclined. The kid also has a warped sense of humor, just like Mom and Dad.
And now on to more of me. I am a wanna-be RN student, but school has been kicking my butt. TBH, I don't know where life plans on taking me. I have been unemployed for 2 years almost, and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY. Staying at home is just not for me. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it tends to get bruised quiet often, but I am pretty good at keeping up my tough as nails exterior. I am honest, straight-up and real, and I try not to sugar coat anything, but when my life is turning to shit, I try to be as positive as I can for as long as I can. I think that is one of my best qualities.
I am laid-back, sarcastic, sometimes a little quiet and thoughtful, I talk to fast, I have a dark sense of humor, My sex drive is usually in over drive, and I smile a lot, but only to hide the fact that I probably want to stab you with a fork.
I guess I could go on forever, this is my blog, right? I suppose I should end this year, crawl into bed with a great book and start all over again in the AM.
Thanx for reading, lovers. <br>

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